Khotten Enterprise CRM Solutions

Secure the Fort with Enterprise CRM

  • Secure Private Cloud

    Keep your date secure, in-house, with Enterprise CRM on-premise for the strongest security. Install our Enterprise CRM on your bare-metal server or VPS to keep your data secure.

  • API Synchronization Management

    Synchronize key metrics across your enterprise applications. Easily connect to SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics 365, O365, Google Cloud, AWS QuickBooks and other cloud business applications with secure APIs.

  • Autonomous Sales Agents

    Manage multiple autonomous Campaign Sales Agents with individual personas and inboxes.

  • Campaign Plans

    Create custom campaign plans with automated tasks for improved communications and faster lead weeding.

  • Campaign Tasks

    Build tasks for emails, calls, and texts for campaign plan scheduling.

  • CRM Management

    Manage all your sales campaigns, leads, contacts and companies using industry standard data formats.

Connect your Data

  • Use our secure API to Sync your Data between your business applications
  • Sync contacts and companies with financial applications, Office applications and more
  • Sync your Customer Service and Field Service departments with mobile view
  • Integration with Microsoft 365, Outlook, SharePoint, Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Teams and more
  • Import and Export Leads, contacts and comapnies from multiple sources
  • Connect external sales dashboards with the Campaign Tracker APIs

Khotten Features

  • Minimal Learning Curve
  • Simplified sales and marketing tools for lasting customer experiences
  • Scalable multi-task email and call campaign management
  • Campaign Lead engagement tracking and alerting
  • Manage multiple Campaign Agents and companies under one account
  • Independant email accounts and settings for each Agent
  • Autonomous Sales Force Agents to keep prospects engaged
  • Lead Generation with Google mapping technologies
  • Simple Books for estimating and invoicing
  • Easy platform synchronization with powerful API management
  • Run on our Hosted Cloud Solutons or on your Private On-Premise Cloud